6  Spatio-Temporal Point Patterns Analysis


July 21, 2024


September 9, 2024

6.1 Overview

A spatio-temporal point process (also called space-time or spatial-temporal point process) is a random collection of points, where each point represents the time and location of an event. Examples of events include incidence of disease, sightings or births of a species, or the occurrences of fires, earthquakes, lightning strikes, tsunamis, or volcanic eruptions.

The analysis of spatio-temporal point patterns is becoming increasingly necessary, given the rapid emergence of geographically and temporally indexed data in a wide range of fields. Several spatio-temporal point patterns analysis methods have been introduced and implemented in R in the last ten years. This chapter shows how various R packages can be combined to run a set of spatio-temporal point pattern analyses in a guided and intuitive way. A real world forest fire events in Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, Indonesia from 1st January 2023 to 31st December 2023 is used to illustrate the methods, procedures and interpretations.

6.2 Learning Outcome

6.2.1 The research questions

The specific questions we would like to answer are:

  • are the locations of forest fire in Kepulauan Bangka Belitung spatial and spatio-temporally independent?
  • if the answer is NO, where and when the observed forest fire locations tend to cluster?

6.3 The data

For the purpose of this exercise, two data sets will be used, they are:

  • forestfires, a csv file provides locations of forest fire detected from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor data. The data are downloaded from Fire Information for Resource Management System. For the purpose of this exercise, only forest fires within Kepulauan Bangka Belitung will be used.
  • Kepulauan_Bangka_Belitung, an ESRI shapefile showing the sub-district (i.e. kelurahan) boundary of Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. The data set was downloaded from Indonesia Geospatial portal. The original data covers the whole Indonesia. For the purpose of this exercise, only sub-districts within Kepulauan Bangka Belitung are extracted.

6.4 Installing and Loading the R packages

For the purpose of this study, six R packages will be used. They are:

  • sf provides functions for importing processing and wrangling geospatial data,,
  • raster for handling raster data in R,
  • spatstat for performing Spatial Point Patterns Analysis such as kcross, Lcross, etc.,
  • sparr provides functions to estimate fixed and adaptive kernel-smoothed spatial relative risk surfaces via the density-ratio method and perform subsequent inference. Fixed-bandwidth spatiotemporal density and relative risk estimation is also supported
  • tmap provides functions to produce cartographic quality thematic maps, and
  • tidyverse, a family of R packages that provide functions to perform common data science tasks including and not limited to data import, data transformation, data wrangling and data visualisation.

Using the steps you learned from previous chapter, write a code chunk to load the packages above onto R environment.

pacman::p_load(sf, raster, spatstat, sparr, tmap, tidyverse)

6.5 Importing and Preparing Study Area

6.5.1 Importing study area

Code chunk below is used import study area (i.e. Kepulauan Bangka Belitung) into R environment.

kbb <- st_read(dsn="chap06/data/rawdata",
               layer = "Kepulauan_Bangka_Belitung") 

The revised code chunk.

kbb_sf <- st_read(dsn="chap06/data/rawdata",
               layer = "Kepulauan_Bangka_Belitung") %>%
  st_union() %>%
  st_zm(drop = TRUE, what = "ZM") %>%
  st_transform(crs = 32748)
Reading layer `Kepulauan_Bangka_Belitung' from data source 
  `D:\tskam\r4gdsa\chap06\data\rawdata' using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Simple feature collection with 298 features and 27 fields
Geometry type: POLYGON
Dimension:     XYZ
Bounding box:  xmin: 105.1085 ymin: -3.116593 xmax: 106.8488 ymax: -1.501603
z_range:       zmin: 0 zmax: 0
Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84

6.5.2 Converting OWIN

Next, as.owin() is used to convert kbb into an owin object.

kbb_owin <- as.owin(kbb_sf)
window: polygonal boundary
enclosing rectangle: [512066.8, 705559.4] x [9655398, 9834006] units

Next, class() is used to confirm if the output is indeed an owin object.

[1] "owin"

6.6 Importing and Preparing Forest Fire data

Next, we will import the forest fire data set (i.e. forestfires.csv) into R environment.

fire_sf <- read_csv("chap06/data/rawdata/forestfires.csv") %>%
  st_as_sf(coords = c("longitude", "latitude"),
                       crs = 4326) %>%
  st_transform(crs = 32748)

Because ppp object only accept numerical or character as mark. The code chunk below is used to convert data type of acq_date to numeric.

fire_sf <- fire_sf %>% 
  mutate(DayofYear = yday(acq_date)) %>%
  mutate(Month_num = month(acq_date)) %>%
  mutate(Month_fac = month(acq_date, 
                           label = TRUE, 
                           abbr = FALSE))

6.7 Visualising the Fire Points

6.7.1 Overall plot

Using the steps you learned in Hands-on Exercise 2, prepare a point symbol map showing the distribution of fire points. The map should look similar to the figure below.

  tm_polygons() +
tm_shape(fire_sf) +

6.7.2 Visuaising geographic distribution of forest fires by month

Using the steps you learned in Hands-on Exercise 2, prepare a point symbol map showing the monthly geographic distribution of forest fires in 2023. The map should look similar to the figure below.

  tm_polygons() +
tm_shape(fire_sf) +
  tm_dots(size = 0.1) +
            drop.units = TRUE)

6.8 Computing STKDE by Month

In this section, you will learn how to compute STKDE by using spattemp.density() of sparr package. Before using the function, it is highly recommended you read the function’s reference guide in detail in order to understand the input data requirements and the output object generated.

6.8.1 Extracting forest fires by month

The code chunk below is used to remove the unwanted fields from fire_sf sf data.frame. This is because as.ppp() only need the mark field and geometry field from the input sf data.frame.

fire_month <- fire_sf %>% 

6.8.2 Creating ppp

The code chunk below is used to derive a ppp object called fire_month from fire_month sf data.frame.

fire_month_ppp <- as.ppp(fire_month)
Marked planar point pattern: 741 points
marks are numeric, of storage type  'double'
window: rectangle = [521564.1, 695791] x [9658137, 9828767] units

The code chunk below is used to check the output is in the correct object class.

Marked planar point pattern:  741 points
Average intensity 2.49258e-08 points per square unit

Coordinates are given to 10 decimal places

marks are numeric, of type 'double'
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  1.000   8.000   9.000   8.579  10.000  12.000 

Window: rectangle = [521564.1, 695791] x [9658137, 9828767] units
                    (174200 x 170600 units)
Window area = 29728200000 square units

Next, we will check if there are duplicated point events by using the code chunk below.


6.8.3 Including Owin object

The code chunk below is used to combine origin_am_ppp and am_owin objects into one.

fire_month_owin <- fire_month_ppp[kbb_owin]
Marked planar point pattern:  741 points
Average intensity 6.424519e-08 points per square unit

Coordinates are given to 10 decimal places

marks are numeric, of type 'double'
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  1.000   8.000   9.000   8.579  10.000  12.000 

Window: polygonal boundary
2 separate polygons (no holes)
           vertices        area relative.area
polygon 1     47493 11533600000      1.00e+00
polygon 2       256      306427      2.66e-05
enclosing rectangle: [512066.8, 705559.4] x [9655398, 9834006] units
                     (193500 x 178600 units)
Window area = 11533900000 square units
Fraction of frame area: 0.334

As a good practice, plot() is used to plot ff_owin so that we can examine the correctness of the output object.


6.8.4 Computing Spatio-temporal KDE

Next, spattemp.density() of sparr package is used to compute the STKDE.

st_kde <- spattemp.density(fire_month_owin)
Spatiotemporal Kernel Density Estimate

  h = 15102.47 (spatial)
  lambda = 0.0304 (temporal)

No. of observations

Spatial bound
  Type: polygonal
  2D enclosure: [512066.8, 705559.4] x [9655398, 9834006]

Temporal bound
  [1, 12]

  128 x 128 x 12 trivariate lattice
  Density range: [1.233458e-27, 8.202976e-10]

6.8.5 Plotting the spatio-temporal KDE object

In the code chunk below, plot() of R base is used to the KDE for between July 2023 - December 2023.

tims <- c(7,8,9,10,11,12)
for(i in tims){ 
  plot(st_kde, i, 
       main=paste("KDE at month",i))

6.9 Computing STKDE by Day of Year

In this section, you will learn how to computer the STKDE of forest fires by day of year.

6.9.1 Creating ppp object

In the code chunk below, DayofYear field is included in the output ppp object.

fire_yday_ppp <- fire_sf %>% 
  select(DayofYear) %>%

6.9.2 Including Owin object

Next, code chunk below is used to combine the ppp object and the owin object.

fire_yday_owin <- fire_yday_ppp[kbb_owin]
Marked planar point pattern:  741 points
Average intensity 6.424519e-08 points per square unit

Coordinates are given to 10 decimal places

marks are numeric, of type 'double'
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   10.0   213.0   258.0   245.9   287.0   352.0 

Window: polygonal boundary
2 separate polygons (no holes)
           vertices        area relative.area
polygon 1     47493 11533600000      1.00e+00
polygon 2       256      306427      2.66e-05
enclosing rectangle: [512066.8, 705559.4] x [9655398, 9834006] units
                     (193500 x 178600 units)
Window area = 11533900000 square units
Fraction of frame area: 0.334


kde_yday <- spattemp.density(
Spatiotemporal Kernel Density Estimate

  h = 15102.47 (spatial)
  lambda = 6.3198 (temporal)

No. of observations

Spatial bound
  Type: polygonal
  2D enclosure: [512066.8, 705559.4] x [9655398, 9834006]

Temporal bound
  [10, 352]

  128 x 128 x 343 trivariate lattice
  Density range: [3.959516e-27, 2.751287e-12]

6.10 Computing STKDE by Day of Year: Improved method

One of the nice function provides in sparr package is BOOT.spattemp(). It support bandwidth selection for standalone spatiotemporal density/intensity based on bootstrap estimation of the MISE, providing an isotropic scalar spatial bandwidth and a scalar temporal bandwidth.

Code chunk below uses BOOT.spattemp() to determine both the spatial bandwidth and the scalar temporal bandwidth.

h = 15102.47 ; lambda = 16.84806 
h = 16612.72 ; lambda = 16.84806 
h = 15102.47 ; lambda = 1527.095 
h = 15480.03 ; lambda = 771.9715 
h = 15668.81 ; lambda = 394.4098 
h = 15763.2 ; lambda = 205.6289 
h = 15810.4 ; lambda = 111.2385 
h = 15833.99 ; lambda = 64.04328 
h = 15845.79 ; lambda = 40.44567 
h = 15851.69 ; lambda = 28.64687 
h = 15863.49 ; lambda = 5.049258 
h = 15854.64 ; lambda = 22.74746 
h = 15860.54 ; lambda = 10.94866 
h = 15859.07 ; lambda = 13.89836 
h = 14348.82 ; lambda = 13.89836 
h = 13216.87 ; lambda = 12.42351 
h = 12460.27 ; lambda = 15.37321 
h = 10760.88 ; lambda = 16.11064 
h = 8875.282 ; lambda = 11.68608 
h = 10432.08 ; lambda = 12.97658 
h = 7976.084 ; lambda = 16.66371 
h = 9286.281 ; lambda = 15.60366 
h = 9615.08 ; lambda = 18.73771 
h = 9206.581 ; lambda = 21.61828 
h = 8140.483 ; lambda = 18.23073 
h = 8795.582 ; lambda = 17.70071 
h = 9124.381 ; lambda = 20.83477 
h = 9164.856 ; lambda = 19.52699 
h = 8345.358 ; lambda = 18.48998 
h = 9297.65 ; lambda = 18.67578 
h = 8928.375 ; lambda = 16.8495 
h = 9105.736 ; lambda = 18.85762 
         h     lambda 
9105.73611   18.85762 

6.10.1 Computing spatio-temporal KDE

Now, the STKDE will be derived by using h and lambda values derive in previous step.

kde_yday <- spattemp.density(
  h = 9000,
  lambda = 19)

6.10.2 Plotting the output spatio-temporal KDE

Last, plot() of sparr package is used to plot the output as shown below.
